Real Time Threat intelligence services

Real Time Threat intelligence services

Technobiz Threat Intelligence Platform powers the end client’s realtimethreat management service. The platform enables a proactive and truly resilient cyber defence for our customers.

The Platform consists of a technologyinfrastructure that can collect and store massive amounts of information and make itavailable for curation, enrichment, automated correlation and processing, as well asenable manual threat analysis and research.

Technobiz incorporates a broad range of information and intelligence sources, includinghoneynet sensor proprietary feeds, third-party intelligence and devicevendor feeds, ICT infrastructure streaming analytics, and threats detectedby theManaged Security Services Platform.

The vast amount of intelligence data from corroborating sources enables our Threat Intelligence Centrethreat analysts to:

  • Identify emerging threats for scope and impact
  • Effect attribution to known actors, techniques, tactics, and procedures
  • Curate known threats as they evolve
  • Provide validated indicators of compromise (IOC) and threat intelligence to the
  • GMSSP and our security consulting teams worldwide.

The Platform provides analysts with access to TechnobizSecurity proprietary tools,including malware and taint and machine learning analysis.

This allows us toclassify, evaluate, and identify all pertinent attributes of new or known threatactors, delivery mechanisms, payloads and targets.


RTMaas Overview

Corporate computer networks are continuously under siege by hackers and malicious insiders’ eager to exploit any and every vulnerability.

These attacks are not only increasing in frequency, but in complexity and severity as well. Defending against these attacks is becoming more difficult by the minute.

Organisations have attempted to protect themselves by implementing industry leading security solutions like antivirus gateways, firewalls and intrusion prevention systems. These technologies are valuable, but scores and scores of security devices and systems from many different vendors has led to a new problem; crippling complexity. To understand and effectively manage this complexity requires time, effort and specialised expertise that may be beyond the internal capabilities of many organisations.