Vulnerability Management As a Service

Vulnerability Management as a service

Technobiz as part of the solution will provide Vulnerability assessments monthly. The VMaaS components include the deployment of one or more internalVulnerability Scanning Engines (VSE’s), a client VMaaS Security portal and themaintenance of the system with regular internal and external vulnerability scanningbased on the Client’s needs.

VMaaS provides the client with 3 distinct types of scanning which can be employed togetheror separately:

  • Internal Scanning
  • Web Application Scanning
  • Database Scanning

On-demand Security and Compliance Reporting

Accessed through TechnobizVMaaS Security portal, the interface providesan immediate view of the latest key vulnerabilities. This advanced interface isaccessed via single sign-on.

Clients can access the complete VMaaS features andgenerate intuitive and easy-to-read reports, ranging from executive-level summariesto detailed technical analysis.

Technobiz provides a detailed description for each vulnerability which includes:

  • The security threat identified;
  • Consequences if the vulnerability is exploited; and
  • The recommended solution to fix the vulnerability, including links to the appropriate patches.

A single actionable view of vulnerabilities drives down patching and audit costs andoften effort as well. For instance, on Patch Tuesdays, you can quickly decide which IT, Network and Security Managed Servicesmachines could be affected by a new Microsoft Windows or Adobe vulnerability.

Inminutes, without rescanning your entire network, VMaaS prioritises and ranks the riskpotential of new threats based on existing configuration data and risk scores.

With this information in hand, you can select assets based on criticality and right-clickto run instant, targeted scans.